
Kunagi olevat Ernest Hemingway öelnud, et igas maailma sadamas on vähemalt üks eestlane. Selle fakti vettpidavust polnud mul võimalust Christchurchi külje all Lytteltoni sadamas täpselt kontrollida, ent nägin üht härrast sadama piirdeaial nõjatumas ja laevu silmitsemas. Astusime kahe sõbraga sisse Fisherman's Wharfi ja poole tunni pärast sealt väljudes oli Hemingway-teisik ikka veel samas kohas seljaga meie poole mõttesse vajunult seismas. Lähenesin tasa, küsisin luba portreeks, ja tegin paar kiiret võtet. 

The commonly known tale among Estonians is that Ernest Hemingway once wrote something along the lines "In every port in the world, at least two Estonians can be found." This gentleman was standing quietly at the fence looking over the Lyttelton Port of Christchurch. After about a half an hour when I had finished my Corona at Fisherman's Wharf he was still there. I decided to take my chance and ask the Hemingway look-a-like for a permission to take a casual portrait of him. And I was lucky - after few exposures I thanked him and we drove off to Riccarton. 

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