Palju käidud, vähe nähtud
Travelled a lot, but sighted too little
Helsinki 2008 / 2009 ?
Paljud paigad on paljukäidud, ent vähe nähtud. Tihti on ruttaval linlasel kodukvartali tänavad ammust ajast tuttavad aga näiteks hoovid või pargid pea tundmata. Rääkimata siis naabermetropoli fassaadidest, plankudest, monumentidest ja kaidest. Ansel Adams öelnud kord, et kui jalgsi (mägedes) matkates vaateid otsida, siis tasub vahel seisatada ja end ümberpöörata. Tihti olevat ta just parimad fotod teinud just vaatest, mis jäi ta liikumisega võrrelduna täpselt vastassuunda.
Aega võtta, et asjad jätta. Mine uita, siis seisata ja vaata enda ümber. Isegi naabertänav võib pakkuda enneolematut ja unustamatut.
Many places have been travelled and wandered many times, but are visually unknown. The everyday commuter knows well his/her neighbourhood but has almost no insight or visual knowledge about the cities courtyards or parks. Not to mention facades, fences, monuments and quais of the neighbouring metropolis. Ansel Adams once said that if one is looking for great views while walking (in the mountains), it is worth to look stand still, turn around and look back. Quite a few times he got a outstanding exposure of a view that was just exactly in the opposite direction compared to his walking route.
To take time to leave (things behind). Go wander, then stop and take a look around you. Even the street next to you could offer something unforgettable.
To take time to leave (things behind). Go wander, then stop and take a look around you. Even the street next to you could offer something unforgettable.
Peaaegu London
Almost London
Kange tahtmine on pilte sortida ja kirjutada möödunud reisidest aga - kõlab klišeena, kas pole - aega ei ole selle jaoks. Pole prioriteet, lihtsalt pole prioriteet. Samas mõlgub see mul meeles pea iga nädal, et peaks saatama mõned väljaprindid ka Indiasse, neile, tänu kellele üldse mõned fotod võimalikuks said. Lubadus on lubadus, kuigi mitu aastat juba möödas.
P.S. ma siiani mõtlen vahel, et tahaks kohutavalt tagasi neid kogemata mahakustutatud fotosid, mis tegin 2010. septembris Londonis nende kahe päeva jooksul enne üht suuremat reisi.
A huge will and urge follows me to select some images and write about journeys from the past. It sounds like a clichée but I don't have time for it, not at the moment, as it is not a priority right now. But soon. As I still have not sent out the paper prints of some of the portraits to the people in North-Western India. To the people without whom the portraits would not have been possible. Although years have passed, a promise is a promise.
P.S. I still miss my images that I accidentally deleted that were taken in London in mid-Septmber 2010 just before one of the longer journeys took place.
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