

Tänane on kolmel põhjusel märkimisväärt. Algas:
- valgenemine. Päev sai taas öö üle võitu: tänane on eilsest pikem peaaegu 1s,
- lumeperiood. Enne koitu hakkas mõnusat lund sadama, mis peaks püsima, 
- filmirull. Laadisin esimest korda pärast 8 aastat taas filmi fotoaparaati. 

Today is the day that is noteworthy for 3 reasons (in no particular order).
* Days getting longer. Today is the winter solstice and is the first day when we'll get more daylight hours than the day before. That continues until the summer solstice.
* Tonight it  started to snow properly, it has been broadcast that snow will stay. Skiing is definitely in.
* Today I loaded a b/w film after 8 years not using this oldschool medium. 

Tavaline talv Eestis, ent esimene korralik lumi on alati lummav. 
Ordinary winter in Estonia, but the first proper snow is always mind blowing. 

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