Kirju, kellelegi?

Mail, anyone?

Palju on vaja,  et elu seiskuks ja/või tsivilisatsiooni (=ühiskonna) reeglid põhjalikult muutuma hakaksid?  Kui kaob elekter ja mobiilid hanguvad, tahvel- ja sülearvutikiibid sulavad, siis mis on järgmine aste?Saame ikkagi hakkama? Paberpost, tuvipost, suitsusignaalid? Loodetavasti ei saa me seda kunagi nägema. Ja kui saame, siis jätkugu meil huumorisoont "värvikate" stsenaariumide üleelamiseks.

How much is needed to break down and or change the common life (=civilization=society) as we know it? If the electricity is no longer available and mobile devices freeze, chips in pads and laptops just melt, then what is the next step? Will we still function? Paper mail, dove mail, smoke signals? Hopefully we will never see this and if we will, then let us all have enough humor to live through the "vivid" scenarios on our upcoming way. 




Sõitsime viiekesi kolmerattalisega Kandyst Galaha poole mägedesse, nii umbes 800m üle mere pinna, et uudistada teeistandusi. Enne kui päris kohale olime jõudnud, tegime pildipeatuse ühe kauni oru kohal. Tee oli kitsas ja auklik, ent vaade oli seda väärt. Minu jaoks oli vaatest toredam aga inimesed, kes ümberringi. Leidsin "ühise keele" žestide ja naeratuste läbi ühe kohaliku talunaisega, kes oli küll väga häbelik, ent siiski otsustas mulle poseerida paariks sekundiks. Et mitte liigset tüli tekitada lahkele möödujale, kadreerisin-teravustasin paari sekundiga, ning tajusin vaid naise positiivsust. Täpsemate tunnete väljalugemiseks leidsin aega alles üle poole aasta hiljem - leppimine, rahulolu, teadmine. Rõõm? Võib-olla. 

We took of to the mountains on a tricycle moto to reach some tea plantations  south from Kandy towards Galaha that are located about 800m above sea level. Before we reached the destination the driver stopped to let us shoot some landscape scenery. The road was bumpy and narrow but well worth it. For me it was definitely more appealing to shoot the people around me at that very second. I found "common language" through smiles and gestures with a local female peasant, who was very shy at first , but then agreed to pose for me for a few seconds. Not to cause to much trouble to my model, I framed and focused in a few seconds and just sensed that she was emotionally positive and pleased. It took me more than a half a year to read her emotions more precisely: complacency, conciliation and conversancy. Gladness? Maybe. 

D ja A. D & A