Up in the Sky
Pool aastat tagasi oli lõunahemisfääris sügav talv. Kasutasin ära ideaalset ilma: võtsin enne koitu jalad selga, et mägede ilu nautida aovalguses. Kuna hommikul oli sõitjaid kesiselt, ronisin 2100m peale, liftidest kõrgemale. Paar hulljulget suusatajat oli tallanud sisse mõned jäljed off-piste sõitmiseks - astusin sama rada. Kui proovisin lumesügavust raja kõrval, vajusin pea vööni pulberlumme. Mõnus.
Half a year ago it was mid-winter in the southern hemisphere. I took advantage of the perfect weather: woke up before dawn and headed to the Remarkables. As there were only a few boarders in the morning I took off into the wilderness - area, where there was no marked paths nor ski patrols. Some adventure-seekers had trodden in some track to explore some off-piste's. I used the same track that was quite easy to walk (besides the altitude), but when I stepped off the track to test the powder depth, I instantly sank up to my waist. Gemütlich :)
Half a year ago it was mid-winter in the southern hemisphere. I took advantage of the perfect weather: woke up before dawn and headed to the Remarkables. As there were only a few boarders in the morning I took off into the wilderness - area, where there was no marked paths nor ski patrols. Some adventure-seekers had trodden in some track to explore some off-piste's. I used the same track that was quite easy to walk (besides the altitude), but when I stepped off the track to test the powder depth, I instantly sank up to my waist. Gemütlich :)
Double Cone (2340m) keskel, vasakul üle tippude voolav pilvefront.
Double Cone (2340m) in the middle, cloud system coming over the peaks on the left.
Tavaline 720. The usual 720
Tühi Stash - liiga karmid atraktsioonid. Üks laudur, kes muidu paugutas 720-kraadiseid lende n-ö tavahüpekatest, ütles Burtoni väljatöötatud raja kohta, et lisaks väljapaneku massiivsusele on see ka "liiga hektline".
The Stash is unused - too advanced features. One snowboarder who just had done some 720 deg jumps on the "usual" track, described the Stash as "too massive" and "too hectic".
Üks väheseid tüüpe võttis ette Stashi Mägi Onni kõrval asuva betoontreppi.
One brave guy took on the concrete stairs of the Mountain Hut @the Stash
One brave guy took on the concrete stairs of the Mountain Hut @the Stash
Pilvesüsteem laskub sekunditega, järgneb totaalne whiteout.
Weather system coming in within seconds, total whiteout follows.
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