Basket of Dreams by Caroline Robinson
Tavaarusaama kohaselt peaks pildistama valgel ajal, päeval või veelgi parem "kuldsel tunnil" (koidu- või ehatund). Sarnast mustrit võib rakendada ka jalutamisele. Ent keegi pole kehtestanud seadust, et pimedamal ajal ei võiks eelpool nimetatuga tegelda. Nii võtsingi jalad selga kui päike loojus, et jõuda mäele "ebatavalisel" tunnil: ainsaks valguseks oli pilvedelt allapeegelduv linnakuma. Palja silmaga oli näha vaid metsa ja Unistuste/Unenägude Korvi siluett. Maa oli must ning sellest ei seletanud silm tükkigi.
By the common understanding the preferred time for photographing is during the daylight hours or better yet on the golden hour (the hour during the dawn or dusk). The same pattern usually applies to strolling. But nobody (at least to my humble knowing) has not yet placed a law that would prohibit doing the previously mentioned things during the dark. So just as the sun was setting I decided to get up the mountain and got there for the "unusual" hour - only city lights were reflecting of the clouds. I could only see the silhouettes of the Basket of Dreams and the fores around me. The ground was dark as black velvet, so I couldn't recognize a thing in front of me.
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