The best place

Ilmselt pidas see puu parimaks kasvukohaks just Monash Freeway (kiirtee) ja Yarra jõe vahelist kitsast mururiba, millelt võtab lõivu ka rattatee. Eriliseks teeb selle vaatepildi, kuidas puu on end ümber rattatee ''võlvinud'' (ilmselt mõne Richmondi linnanõukogu palgatud aedniku väikse abiga) ja otsapidi peaaegu vette ulatub. Erakordne.
This tree was more than sure that this small patch of lawn between the Monash Freeway and Yarra river is the best place to grow. In addition the bicycle path takes its part. The special feature of this spectacle is that the tree has 'vaulted' itself around the cycle path (probably with a little help from a gardener paid by the Richmond city council) & almost reaches the water. Extraordinary.
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