The state inside the state
Tasmaania on Austraalia 7 (peamisest) osariigist väikseim ja vahel kipuvad mandri-austraallased teda ära unustama või eraldi riigiks pidama.
Tasmania is the smallest state of the 7 (main) Australian states and sometimes the main-land australians forget about it or think of it as a separate country.
Tasmaania võlub ennekõike oma suurepärase loodusega - kliima on sama, mis Lõuna-Prantsusmaal (Köppeni kliimaklasside järgi). Palmidega keskkond, mis on paras viinamarjade ja muu säärase soojalembese kraami viljelemiseks. Peale põllukultuuride on saareosariigi tuluallikaks kaevandamine, puidueksport. kalastamine ning loomulikult võrratult popp turism.
Saar on pindaalalt natuke suurem kui Eesti (68 401 km2), ent asustustihedus on pigem nagu Muhus: leidub väikseid linnasid (Eesti mõistes pigem aleveid), mis tunduvad kahtlaselt sarnased nt Kihelkonnale või Tõrvale - kes on Tasmaania Läänerannikul sattunud näiteks unisesse kaevanduslinna nimega Queenstown (5000 elanikku), teavad, millest jutt.
Tasmania seduces its visitors with its superb nature - climate is the same as in the South of France (as per Köppen climate classification). Environment is featuring palm trees as well grapes - the island is just perfect for growing cultures that like warm weather. In addition to agriculture the main resources for income are mining, timber export, fishing and ofcourse tourism.
The island is a bit larger by land area than Estonia (68 401 sqkm) but has less population than this little country in Northern Europe - the population density is just over 7 inhabitants per sqkm. Tasmania features many small towns that have a population between 1,000 to 10,000 people. On of them is a sleepy minging town on the West side of the the island (a bit more than 5000 inhabitants).
Vaateid Tasmaania pealinna Hobarti majadele - siin on vaid mõned hooned kesklinnas kõrgemad kui 2 korrust, mujal on kõik mõnusalt madal.
Views of the houses in Hobart (the capital of Tasmania) - only few buildings in the town centre are higher than 2 stories, elsewhere everything is nicely low-rise.
Kuna mägisel pealinna maastikul on oma aias harimine keeruline vähese vaba mullapinna ja suure kalde tõttu, siis on kohalikud pannud seljad kokku ja vandaalide kiuste asutanud täiesti 'looduse meelevallale avatud' ühisaiad tasasemal maatükil. Lapid pole suured ja tohutuid porgandeid (veel) ei paistnud aga algus tundus paljutõotav.
Because of the hilly character of the grounds in the capital it is quite difficult to successfully cultivate some crops in your back yard. The locals have joined and put up a community garden on a more flat piece of land ignoring the possibility that it could be destroyed by 'mother nature' or vandals. The lots are not huge and there were no grand carrots popping out but the beginning of that initiative seemed quite promising.
Pole just igapäevane nähtus, kui kukk ja kajakas võitlevad väitlevad kõnnitee omandiõiguse üle.
It isn't the most usual site to see a rooster and a seagullfighting arguing about the rights over the sidewalk.
Hamiltoni külapood, mis ühtlasi teenindas kliente kui leheputka, postkontor, bensiinijaam, toidupood, jääkelder, jäätiseputka ja videolaenutus. Muidugi oli ka vanakooli kuulutuste ja teadete tahvle esindatud.
The village shop in Hamilton. It also serves as newagnecy, post office, petrol station, grocery, ice store, ice cream and take away facility, not to mention video rentals. Also an oldschool notice board was present.
Olime E'ga otsustanud ettevõtta mitmekesise puhkuse. Seega suundusime 3 päevaks mobiililevist välja: üle 50km tehnilist mägirada väga erinevatel pinnastel korralike tõusude ja langustega, mis lõpuks pidi meid viima 1080m raja alguspunktist kõrgemale Frenchmans Cap'ile. Konks oli selles, et kilomeetrine vertikaaltõus ei olnud ühes jupis: tõusud-langused vaheldusid ja näiteks teisel päeval tuli tõuse kokku 900m ja samas languseid 650m kõiksugustel mõeldavatel astmetel (liiv, muda, mättad, munakivid, kaljud, ronitaimed, puutüved ja juurikad, jne).
We decided to have a multi-purpose vacation w E. So we went to hike in the mountains for 3 days: more than 50km of rough tracks with various soils (incl sand, mud, timber, rocks, water, bushes, etc.) and decents and accents. It had to take us to the Frenchmans Cap that is 1080m heigher than the starting point of the track. The tricky part of the trip was that the 1km rise wasn't in one part: for example on the second day we climbed 900m and decended 650m on every kind of steps imaginable.
Maastik ja selle vaheldumine oli lihtsalt imeline: mets > soo > vihmamets > mägijärved > mäed > veel rohkem mägesid. Inspireeriv, kas pole ?!
The landscape and its changing was just breath-takingly beautiful: forest > marsh > rainforest > mountain lakes > mountains > even more mountains. Inspiring!
Saime alles tagasipöördudes teada, et seda loetakse Tasmaania sajakonnast matkarajast raskuselt teiseks... Tagantjärele võin tunnistada, et see oli raskem pingutus kui täispika maratoni jooksmine.
On our way back we met a guy who told us that it is considered the second most technical walking trail of the about a hundred hiking tracks in the whole Tasmania... Looking back at the adventure I must admit that it was a tougher physical challenge than running a full-length marathon.
Tasmaania on Austraalia 7 (peamisest) osariigist väikseim ja vahel kipuvad mandri-austraallased teda ära unustama või eraldi riigiks pidama.
Tasmania is the smallest state of the 7 (main) Australian states and sometimes the main-land australians forget about it or think of it as a separate country.
Saar on pindaalalt natuke suurem kui Eesti (68 401 km2), ent asustustihedus on pigem nagu Muhus: leidub väikseid linnasid (Eesti mõistes pigem aleveid), mis tunduvad kahtlaselt sarnased nt Kihelkonnale või Tõrvale - kes on Tasmaania Läänerannikul sattunud näiteks unisesse kaevanduslinna nimega Queenstown (5000 elanikku), teavad, millest jutt.
Tasmania seduces its visitors with its superb nature - climate is the same as in the South of France (as per Köppen climate classification). Environment is featuring palm trees as well grapes - the island is just perfect for growing cultures that like warm weather. In addition to agriculture the main resources for income are mining, timber export, fishing and ofcourse tourism.
The island is a bit larger by land area than Estonia (68 401 sqkm) but has less population than this little country in Northern Europe - the population density is just over 7 inhabitants per sqkm. Tasmania features many small towns that have a population between 1,000 to 10,000 people. On of them is a sleepy minging town on the West side of the the island (a bit more than 5000 inhabitants).
Views of the houses in Hobart (the capital of Tasmania) - only few buildings in the town centre are higher than 2 stories, elsewhere everything is nicely low-rise.
Tavaline Hobarti kodanik ja tema sõber Jaak Taaniel.
Ordinary Hobart citizen and his friend Jack Daniel.
Ordinary Hobart citizen and his friend Jack Daniel.
Because of the hilly character of the grounds in the capital it is quite difficult to successfully cultivate some crops in your back yard. The locals have joined and put up a community garden on a more flat piece of land ignoring the possibility that it could be destroyed by 'mother nature' or vandals. The lots are not huge and there were no grand carrots popping out but the beginning of that initiative seemed quite promising.
It isn't the most usual site to see a rooster and a seagull
The village shop in Hamilton. It also serves as newagnecy, post office, petrol station, grocery, ice store, ice cream and take away facility, not to mention video rentals. Also an oldschool notice board was present.
Olime E'ga otsustanud ettevõtta mitmekesise puhkuse. Seega suundusime 3 päevaks mobiililevist välja: üle 50km tehnilist mägirada väga erinevatel pinnastel korralike tõusude ja langustega, mis lõpuks pidi meid viima 1080m raja alguspunktist kõrgemale Frenchmans Cap'ile. Konks oli selles, et kilomeetrine vertikaaltõus ei olnud ühes jupis: tõusud-langused vaheldusid ja näiteks teisel päeval tuli tõuse kokku 900m ja samas languseid 650m kõiksugustel mõeldavatel astmetel (liiv, muda, mättad, munakivid, kaljud, ronitaimed, puutüved ja juurikad, jne).
We decided to have a multi-purpose vacation w E. So we went to hike in the mountains for 3 days: more than 50km of rough tracks with various soils (incl sand, mud, timber, rocks, water, bushes, etc.) and decents and accents. It had to take us to the Frenchmans Cap that is 1080m heigher than the starting point of the track. The tricky part of the trip was that the 1km rise wasn't in one part: for example on the second day we climbed 900m and decended 650m on every kind of steps imaginable.
Rada on veel lihtne nagu Kadrioru pargis jalutamine.
In the start the track is quite simple - like walk in the park.
In the start the track is quite simple - like walk in the park.
Esimene märjem koht. First wet obsticle.
The landscape and its changing was just breath-takingly beautiful: forest > marsh > rainforest > mountain lakes > mountains > even more mountains. Inspiring!
Astmed. Steps
Rada piki mägioja, kilomeetreid. Track in the mountain creek, for kilometres.
Veel astmeid. More steps
Sõnajalad on siin oma ürgses võimsuses. Dryopteris are here in their ancient greatness.
Vihmamets on vägev. Jungle is massive
Ka siis läheb rada. And that's also a part of the track
On our way back we met a guy who told us that it is considered the second most technical walking trail of the about a hundred hiking tracks in the whole Tasmania... Looking back at the adventure I must admit that it was a tougher physical challenge than running a full-length marathon.
Mahajäetud vasekaevandus Gormanstonis. Abandoned copper mine near Gormanston.
Külaelu idüll Queenstownis (saare lääneosa suurim asustatud punkt).
illage idyll in Queenstown (the largest populated place in Western Tasmania).
illage idyll in Queenstown (the largest populated place in Western Tasmania).
Läänest põhja. From West to North
Molly Malones'i külalistemaja, Devonport. Molly Malones guesthouse, Devonport.
Cataract Gorge Reserve -
Linnapark Launcestonis. Public park in Launceston.
''Ilus auto!'' ...''Ah, see mul poisi auto, ise ma ei sõida enam..''.
'Nice car'..'Eh, that's my boy's car, I don't drive myself any more..'
Vaikne ookean. Pacific Ocean.
Õhtu Beaumaris'e lähistel. Evening near Beaumaris
Idaranniku suvilad ja villad palistavad tee- ja rannaääri kümnete kilomeetrite kaupa.
Villas and cottages are running along the East Coast for tens of K's.
Kinnisvarabuum idarannikul. Real estate bubble on the East Coast.
Hobarti jahisadam, taamal on Antarktika varustuslaev.
Marina at Hobart, Antarctic supply ship on the background.
Hobarti kesklinnas. In the town centre of Hobart.
Mägine Hobart, madalad elurajoonid. Hilly Hobart, residential suburbs.