The Big "A"
Explorer Building, Tallinn.
Foto: L. Laanemaa 2016
HIljuti pöördus emaili teel mu poole keegi Louise L. Ameerika Ühendriikide ühest kunstigaleriist, kuna nad on koostamas Ansel Adamsi ülevaatenäitust ning talle jäi silma mu ammune blogipostitus, kus mainisin härra A-d. Nimelt on eesmärk, et kunst jõuaks kõigini ning seetõttu palus Louise, et levitaksin head sõnumit ka siinse blogi kaudu. Seega, olge lahked ja palun külastage härra A-le pühendatud lehte:
Muide, e-kiri oli lõpetatud hr Adamsi tsitaadiga, millesse usun ka mina: "Fotot ei klõpsata, sa lood selle."
A few weeks ago someone named Louise L. reached me from the States via email. The reason was that The High Museum of Art Atlanta is currently just about to put up an exhibition called “Cross Country: The Power of Place in American Art, 1915-1950”. More precisely, she found my old blog post about mr "A" and was wondering if I could feature the link on my blog. I, too, believe in making art accessible to everyone with internet connection, so herein I follow her wish and share the link that she provided:
By the way, her email was finished with a sentence by mister "A", that I totally agree with:
"You don't take a photograph, you make it."
-Ansel Adams