City Lights in the Countryside
Pääsküla jõe jalakäiate sild Laagri alevikus.
A pedestrian bridge on Pääsküla river in Laagri hamlet.
Sild ise on ilmselt 1970ndatest (autori hinnang teraspiirde kujunduse põhjal), ent LED-tuledega varustatud kaared pärinevad 2015 või 2016 aastast. Hämmastavalt väike detail võib anda tohutu mõju nii miniatuursele ja tagasihoidlikule aleviku südames asuvale sillale. Paneb seda silda külastama veel ja veel, eriti pimedal ajal.
The bridge itself is probably from the 1970 by the look of the steel railings design. But the arcs with LED lights under them are just a recent addition dating just a few months, maximum a year back. It is amazing how this small extra structure with the right lighting add so much impact to the whole visual and vibe of the tiny bridge in the centre of a hamlet. It makes people coming back again to visit the bridge, especially when its dark and the LEDs are doing their work best.