15.oktoobril ilmuvas Äripäeva lisas "Ehitus" on hea sõbra MP'i tellimusel valminud fotolugu Ülemiste ristmikust, mis jäädvustatud nädal tagasi. Eile avatud sildadel ja tunnelites vuhises siis veel autode asemel vaid tõmbetuul. Kel varem pole silma jäänud, siis saab üht vanemat "Ehituse" lisa numbrit näha siin - alates lk 42 on üks mu varasem pildilugu maavärina tagajärgedest ehituses maakera kuklapoolelt.
On the 15th of Oct 2013 Estonian business daily newspaper Äripäev will issue its new extra coverage about construction (called "Ehitus" in Estonian). My dear friend MP asked me kindly to cover a story about almost completed Ülemiste Intersection that consists of sever grade separations and tunnels. So about a week ago I went out to shoot the empty bridges with the busy traffic below. It didn't matter that it was a weekday night about 9:30pm it was still very lively. No wonder, by the statistics it is the most used intersection in the whole country.
P.S. who wants to see how an extra paper "Ehitus" looks like can go here. Starting from page 42 you'll see another of my photographic coverages about the Christchurch earthquake aftermath.