Kuna siinpool maakera käib Päike kõrgemalt jõuludel ja kõige jahedam on jaanipäeva paikku, siis vastavalt on siin sügis märtsis. Aprilli lõpus pandi Healesville´s Kona 2011-2012 Victoria Downhill Mountain Bike Series hooajale punkt demo päevaga, et proovida radasid ja rattaid.
Rohkem materjali uues ajakirjas Sport Extreme.
As on this side of the globe the Sun is traveling it´s highest and longest way over the sky during the Christmas season therefor autumn is in March. Just a month ago bikers celebrated the Kona 2011/2012 Victorian Downhill MTB Series end of season with a demonstration day in Healesville (VIC). Guys (and couple of girls) were trying out the tracks and testing bikes. See the new mag Sport Extreme for more (printed in Estonia).