Läbi mandri

Through the continent

Kord ammu-ammu võtsime paari sõbraga ette tee põhjast lõunasse otse läbi kontinendi südame, pikkusega suurusjärgus 4500km. Eesmärk oli näha Austraalia mandri keskosa ja samas läbida erinevad kliimavöötmed. Lendamine on praktiliselt igal pool sama: checkin, pagasi- ja passikontroll, boarding. Siis lend koos tasuta võileivaga, maandumine ja siis jälle sama kontrollirada..
See tasus end igati ära: kui ainuüksi vaadelda pinnase ja taimestikutüüpide vaheldumist saab päris hea elamuse. Spekter on lai ja tasub igati seda aega ning alguses lõputuna näivaid sõidukilomeetreid. Alustasime Darwinist ja seitsme päeva pärast olime Melbourne'is. Käkitegu.

Once appone a time we took the long way from north to south straight through the heart of the Australian continent that was about 4500km in length. Our aim was to see the beauty of the central regions of the continent and see the different climate regions as well. Passenger flights are practically the same everywhere: checkin, luggage and passport check, boarding. Then a free sandwich, landing and then the same row of checks and double checks..
That was well worth it: even if you observe the differentiations of the soil and flora types you will get a good sense of the vastness of the country. The spectrum is wide and is worth the countless hours plus the seemingly endless kilometers. We started in Darwin and in seven days arrived in Melbourne. Piece of cake. 

Northern Territory

Daly Waters

A.H. Tammsaare

Põlenud kõrb, esiplaanil sipelgapesad. 
Burnt desert, ant mounds in the forground.

Devils Marbles (NT)

Mõned väiksemad mängukivid. Some of the smaller marbles

Uluru aka Ayers Rock

Elusloomade transport. Live stock transportation

Coober Pedy (SA) on kaevanduslinn, kus suvel tõuseb temperatuur 50 kraadini Celsiuse järgi ning inimesed elavad keldritüüpi majades maa all. Ilmselt kui siin ei leiduks maavarasid, poleks ka asustust, vähemalt mitte nii suurt kui viimase rahvaloenduse andmeil (1916 hinge 2006.a.). Peatusime vaid tankimiseks.

Coober Pedy (SA) is a minding town, where the temperature reaches 50 deg C and the people have built their houses under ground like cellars. Seems that if there wasn't such a large amount of mineral resources there wouldn't be such a large population - according to the 2006 census there are 1916 habitants. Stopped by only to fill the tank. 

Lake Hart, Woomera (SA)

Adelaide Hills (SA)

Port Augusta


Lambad. Sheep

Veel lambaid. More sheep