One country in the world
Et lugejad, kes pole kunagi Maarjamaad väisanud, saaksid aimu, millised näevad välja Eesti mustad jõulud, postitan paar kaadrit, mis tehtud viimase paari päeva jooksul. Iroonilisel kombel tuli just täna väike lumekirme maha ning kõik näib uus.
Palju on maailmas vaimusatavaid riike, huvitavaid kultuuriruume, geograafilisi imesid - palju, mida kogeda ja näha. Ent alati on olemas see üks eriline koht...
To paint a brief vision of Terra Mariana for the readers who never have seen Estonia I'll post some images of Christmas w/o snow (in estonian we say "black Christmas" because the ground w/o snow looks dark and murky during season when most of the days are totally overcast and the nights are very long). Irony of it all is that after weeks of blackness it snowed briefly just a few hours ago and now we have a thin layer of white magic everywhere.
There are many fascinating countries, interesting cultural areas, geographical wonders around the world that one could see and experience. But there is always one special place...
Lihula alev. Market town of Lihula
Väikese väina tamm. Dike of Väike Väin