

Eastern rd & Raglan st


K viimane õhtu Melbourne'is

K's last night in Melbourne  

K seiklused said (vähemalt mõneks ajaks) Austraalias läbi ja seekordset "etapivõitu" tähistasime väikse õhtusöögiga ühes järgiproovitud hiina kohas, mis hinnatud just oma pelmeenide poolest. Hiljem jalutasime Southbanki, et õhtule punkt panna väikese koogi ja koduteeks virgutava kohvisõõmuga. 
The K's adventures are over in Australia at least for this season and 'the winning of this round' had to be celebrated. We went to one of the tested chinese dumpling places that is on Swanston st. After that we wandered to Southbank to end the evening with a slice of cake and a shot of coffee that would keep us sparkle-eyed on our way home.