Evening coffee
Mõned kuud tagasi oli mul au jagada elamist saudi-araablasest üliõpilasega, kes käis päeval käis koolis inglise keelt tudeerimas ja öösiti armastas koos sõpradega traditsioonilist teed või kohvi juua ja Saudi-Araabiast saadetud kuivatatud datleid süüa.
Kord mai alguses koju tulles sattusin just siis uksest sisse astuma kui Faisal´il ja ta sõbral Abdu´l oli parajasti käsil araabia kohvi tegemine kardemoniga.
Kutsusid siis mindki oma tuppa kohvi mekkima. Mõtlesin, et vahelduse mõttes ju täitsa tore korraks maha istuda ja kuulata, mis poistel pajatada. Sain vaevalt rätsepaistesse asutud, kui sõbrad saudid teatasid, et kurikuulus Osama on lõpuks tabatud. Olin veidi üllatunud, mitte asja sisu vaid pigem selle üle, mis kombel sellest teada sain.
Kui täna 10 aastat tagasi NYCis lennukid majadesse kukkusid, siis mäletan täpselt, et olin kodus (Tallinnas) ja just trenni minemas. Helistasin veel
E´le lauatelefonile üle, et mis teoksil ja kas ta ikka tuleb. Ta oli esimene, kellelt uudist kuulsin, ta kostis midagi säärast: "..ei tea mis sina teed, aga mina igaljuhul vaatan praegu telekast, kuidas lennukid USAs majadesse lendavad...". Olin kergelt hämmeldunud, läksin üksi trenni.
Ei oleks eales arvanud, kus 10 aastat hiljem viibin ja millega tegelen. Samuti, lähtudes (super)riigi (super)võimetest, eeldasin, et maailma tagaotsituim mees tabatakse rutem, kui 10 aastaga.
Maailm on väike ja täis üllatusi.
A few months ago I had the honour to share an apartment with a Saudi Arabian student. He went to English lectures during the day and during the nights he loved to have some friends over and have traditional tea or coffee with some imported dried dates.
On one of the early May evenings I came home and right at that moment Faisal and his friend Abdu were prepairing some arabic coffee with cardamom.
They invited me to join them and sit down to have a cup of coffee. I thought that it wouldn´t hurt to sit down for a moment and hear what the boys have to say. I just took my seat on the floor as the Saudis anounced that at the very same day Osama had been captured. I was a bit suprised, not of the news, but just the way I got to know of them.
When today 10 years ago airplanes were crashing into buildings I remember exactly that I was at home (in Tallinn) and prepairing to go to work out. I called E just to confirm that he is coming as well. He was the one from whom I heard the news first, it went something like this "..I don´t know what you are doing right now but I´m watching TV as the airplanes are flying into the buildings in the States...". I was a bit puzzled, but went and had my training session without E.
Never ever I would have thought where I would be or what I would be doing in 10 years time. Also, taking into consideration the (super)power of the (super)states, I assumed that the most wanted man of the world would be captured sooner than in 10 years.
The World is a small place and full of surprises.