Erinevat vee-elu värvides ja vormides on lugematul arvul, olendeid kellel eestikeelne nimi sootuks puudub kindlasti üle poole nähtust-kogetust. Olime E´ga ühel meelel, et akvaariumi (ka teisi peale kohaliku) võiks külastada korduvalt nagu näiteks linna parke, kuna vaadata ja õppida on palju, kasvõi ainuüksi loomade liikumisest-rütmidest. Tõeliselt vaimustav!
There is a countless amount of water creatures in their different forms and colours, probably more than half of the ones we saw don´t have a name in Estonian language. I and E were both sharing the feeling that one could come times and times again to the aquarium (no matter in what city) as people go a take a walk in a city park. There is so much to see and learn, even if you only observe the movements and daily life cycle of the animals. Truely fascinating!
Melbourne´is on oma veemaailm, mis asub linna südames Yarra jõe kaldal. Hoolimata välisest väiksusest on hoonesse mahutatud muljetavaldav hulk vetikaid, veeloomi ja kalu. Saab näha nii merihobusid kui ka haisid, rääkimata pingviinidest.
Kuna akvaariumikülastus on ammu meil meeles mõlkunud, võtsime E´ga mõni aeg tagasi terve päeva, et rahulikult veeeluga tutvuda.
Kuna akvaariumikülastus on ammu meil meeles mõlkunud, võtsime E´ga mõni aeg tagasi terve päeva, et rahulikult veeeluga tutvuda.
Melbourne like any other decent city has its own aquarium that sits next to the Yarra river. From the outside it is not the largest buildings in the CBD but it is serving very well as home for hundreds of different water creatures.
As the visit to the water world has been on our minds for quite a long time we took a day with E to explore it.
As the visit to the water world has been on our minds for quite a long time we took a day with E to explore it.
Eri liiki pingviine eri asendis. Different species of penguines in different positions
There is a countless amount of water creatures in their different forms and colours, probably more than half of the ones we saw don´t have a name in Estonian language. I and E were both sharing the feeling that one could come times and times again to the aquarium (no matter in what city) as people go a take a walk in a city park. There is so much to see and learn, even if you only observe the movements and daily life cycle of the animals. Truely fascinating!
Kiirem kui säri. Quicker than the exposure
Tagatuba. Back of house
Mikrokosmos. Micro cosmos
Klaasi küljes kinni. Stuck to glass
Vana kala. Old fish