Pilves selgimistega

Cloudy w clearings 

Cecil Peak (1978m)

Suhtelised kõrgused on petlikud: tundub, nagu oleksin mäe ees hõljuva pilvega samal kõrgusel. Reaalsus on aga teine: Wakatipu järv on 310m üle merepinna, pildistades seisin u 400m peal ja taamal olev mäetipp on aga pea 2000m, seega konkreetse pilve keskmine kõrgus merepinnast on pigem 1000m kanti. Peale fakti, et olen veetnud enamiku elust ühes maailma mägedevaeseimas riigis, saab "süüdistada" veel eriti puhast ja selget Uus-Meremaa õhku.

The relative height seems different from the reality: looks like that the height of my viewpoint is the same as the centre of the cloud that is floating in front of the Cecil Peak. In fact, Lake Wakatipu is 310m from the sea level, I was standing at 400m and the peak is almost 2000m above mean sea level. Visually measured, the cloud is at about 1000m AMSL. Besides the fact that I have lived most of my life in one of the world flattest countries, New Zealand has very clean and clear air that makes assessing the heights and distances even harder. 

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