Üks kord ammu kaugel Läänes

Once apon a time in the far away West










15.oktoobril ilmuvas Äripäeva lisas "Ehitus" on hea sõbra MP'i tellimusel valminud fotolugu Ülemiste ristmikust, mis jäädvustatud nädal tagasi. Eile avatud sildadel ja tunnelites vuhises siis veel autode asemel vaid tõmbetuul. Kel varem pole silma jäänud, siis saab üht vanemat "Ehituse" lisa numbrit näha siin - alates lk 42 on üks mu varasem pildilugu maavärina tagajärgedest ehituses maakera kuklapoolelt. 

On the 15th of Oct 2013 Estonian business daily newspaper Äripäev will issue its new extra coverage about construction (called "Ehitus" in Estonian). My dear friend MP asked me kindly to cover a story about almost completed Ülemiste Intersection that consists of sever grade separations and tunnels. So about a week ago I went out to shoot the empty bridges with the busy traffic below. It didn't matter that it was a weekday night about 9:30pm it was still very lively. No wonder, by the statistics it is the most used intersection in the whole country.
P.S. who wants to see how an extra paper "Ehitus" looks like can go here. Starting from page 42 you'll see another of my photographic coverages about the Christchurch earthquake aftermath. 



Reality Check

Senathilaka Guesthouse, Kudiruppu

Kes pole veel rütmi tabanud, siis postitan meelega abstraktsemat materjali, et mahlasemad palad tuleviku tarvis jätta. Kavas on kirjutada raamat reisimuljetest ja -mõtetest. Formaat on veel "lihvimata teemant", ent mõned mõtted mõlguvad. Diraaž on n+1 tükki ning fotosid on rohkem kui tosin sees.  NIISIIS:  kaasamaks häid inimesi protsessi kutsun üles Kalleid Lugejaid,  kui mõlgub meeles mõni lahe idee, soov või küsimus raamatu, elu või reisimiste kohta, siis emailige mulle eesnimi.perenimi ät gmail.com. Korrastage oma mälusahtleid, kontrollige reaalsustaju: ajutorm veeklaasis garanteeritud.

For those how have not picked up the pattern yet: I am posting some drier content on purpose. The fruitier pieces will be kept for the future. I am planning to write a book on our travels experiences and thoughts. Format of this book is still "a rought diamond", but some ideas are lingering in my mind. The print-run will be n+1 pieces and there will be more than a douzen photographs. ANYHOW, to involve good people into the project: if you, my Dear Reader, have an idée fixe that you want to express, a wish or a question about the book, life in general or about traveling, be my guest and write here or to my email laur.laanemaa (a) gmail.com. Make some arrangements in your thoughts, do a reality check and there will be a brain storm in a water glass :)


Kirju, kellelegi?

Mail, anyone?

Palju on vaja,  et elu seiskuks ja/või tsivilisatsiooni (=ühiskonna) reeglid põhjalikult muutuma hakaksid?  Kui kaob elekter ja mobiilid hanguvad, tahvel- ja sülearvutikiibid sulavad, siis mis on järgmine aste?Saame ikkagi hakkama? Paberpost, tuvipost, suitsusignaalid? Loodetavasti ei saa me seda kunagi nägema. Ja kui saame, siis jätkugu meil huumorisoont "värvikate" stsenaariumide üleelamiseks.

How much is needed to break down and or change the common life (=civilization=society) as we know it? If the electricity is no longer available and mobile devices freeze, chips in pads and laptops just melt, then what is the next step? Will we still function? Paper mail, dove mail, smoke signals? Hopefully we will never see this and if we will, then let us all have enough humor to live through the "vivid" scenarios on our upcoming way. 




Sõitsime viiekesi kolmerattalisega Kandyst Galaha poole mägedesse, nii umbes 800m üle mere pinna, et uudistada teeistandusi. Enne kui päris kohale olime jõudnud, tegime pildipeatuse ühe kauni oru kohal. Tee oli kitsas ja auklik, ent vaade oli seda väärt. Minu jaoks oli vaatest toredam aga inimesed, kes ümberringi. Leidsin "ühise keele" žestide ja naeratuste läbi ühe kohaliku talunaisega, kes oli küll väga häbelik, ent siiski otsustas mulle poseerida paariks sekundiks. Et mitte liigset tüli tekitada lahkele möödujale, kadreerisin-teravustasin paari sekundiga, ning tajusin vaid naise positiivsust. Täpsemate tunnete väljalugemiseks leidsin aega alles üle poole aasta hiljem - leppimine, rahulolu, teadmine. Rõõm? Võib-olla. 

We took of to the mountains on a tricycle moto to reach some tea plantations  south from Kandy towards Galaha that are located about 800m above sea level. Before we reached the destination the driver stopped to let us shoot some landscape scenery. The road was bumpy and narrow but well worth it. For me it was definitely more appealing to shoot the people around me at that very second. I found "common language" through smiles and gestures with a local female peasant, who was very shy at first , but then agreed to pose for me for a few seconds. Not to cause to much trouble to my model, I framed and focused in a few seconds and just sensed that she was emotionally positive and pleased. It took me more than a half a year to read her emotions more precisely: complacency, conciliation and conversancy. Gladness? Maybe. 

D ja A. D & A


Viimane võimalus

Last Chance

Tihti on esimene võimalus ka viimane. Isiklikest eelistustest tulenevalt ei ole ilmselt enam sel hooajal asja jääradadele mandri ja Vormsi vahele. Ent hea meel sellegi üle, et korra sai käidud. Lisaks kaunile loodusele sai jääl võimsa ruumilise kogemuse - mastaabid ja veelkord  mastaabid. 

Often the first chance is the last one. Depending from my personal preferences it is quite obvious that I won't make it to the icy paths on sea between Noarootsi part of mainland and Vormsi island during this winter season. It still feels good that I made it at least once. In addition to ridiculously beautiful nature it was a remarkable space-void experience - scale and some intense scale between man and nature. 


Taxi Ride

Taxi Ride

Kord iidsel ajal juhtusime Mumbaisse, kus terve päeva seiklesime taksoga, jalutasime, patseerisime, uudistasime ja sõitsime veel veidi taksoga. Ootamatult sai sellest  väike lugu , mille tubli tölk ka eesti keelde ümber pani.

Once upon a time we discovered ourselves in Mumbai, where the whole day we rode taxis, walked and rode some more taxis. After some months my dear friend M wanted me to do a story on Mumbai in English. 

Loomulikult jõuavad krabid Mahatma Phule turule taksoga
Crabs arrive to the Crawford market in a taxi, of course


Mees ja masin

Man and machine

"Maja on elamise masin.""The house is a machine for living in." 
Charles-Édouard Jeanneret 1923

(Pildistatud jpg-s, null järeltöötlust. Shot in jpg, zero post processing)



Up in the Sky

Pool aastat tagasi oli lõunahemisfääris sügav talv. Kasutasin ära ideaalset ilma: võtsin enne koitu jalad selga, et mägede ilu nautida aovalguses. Kuna hommikul oli sõitjaid kesiselt, ronisin 2100m peale, liftidest kõrgemale. Paar hulljulget suusatajat oli tallanud sisse mõned jäljed off-piste sõitmiseks - astusin sama rada. Kui proovisin lumesügavust raja kõrval, vajusin pea vööni pulberlumme. Mõnus.

Half a year ago it was mid-winter in the southern hemisphere. I took advantage of the perfect weather: woke up before dawn and headed to the Remarkables. As there were only a few boarders in the morning I took off into the wilderness - area, where there was no marked paths nor ski patrols. Some adventure-seekers had trodden in some track to explore some off-piste's. I used the same track that was quite easy to walk (besides the altitude), but when I stepped off the track to test the powder depth, I instantly sank up to my waist. Gemütlich :)

Double Cone (2340m) keskel, vasakul üle tippude voolav pilvefront.  
Double Cone (2340m) in the middle, cloud system coming over the peaks on the left. 

Tavaline 720. The usual 720

Must rajamarker Stashi alguses. Black marker in the beginning of The Stash

Tühi Stash - liiga karmid atraktsioonid. Üks laudur, kes muidu paugutas 720-kraadiseid lende n-ö tavahüpekatest, ütles Burtoni väljatöötatud raja kohta, et lisaks väljapaneku massiivsusele on see ka "liiga hektline".  
The Stash is unused - too advanced features. One snowboarder who just had done some 720 deg jumps on the "usual" track, described the Stash as "too massive" and "too hectic". 

Üks väheseid tüüpe võttis ette Stashi Mägi Onni kõrval asuva betoontreppi.
One brave guy took on the concrete stairs of the Mountain Hut @the Stash 

Pilvesüsteem laskub sekunditega, järgneb totaalne whiteout
Weather system coming in within seconds, total whiteout follows. 


Uus laine

New Wave

Uus aasta, uued emotsioonid. New year, new emotions